GeunYoung Sim
Postdoctoral Fellow
Favorite Piece of Lab Equipment:
Ph.D., The Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Program, The Ohio State University (2024)
Master's, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Konkuk University (2016)
Bachelor's, Department of Specialized Studies, Konkuk University (2015)
I'm interested in elucidating the mechanisms related to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and developing effective antisense oligonucleotide therapies for HCC. In my PhD, I focused on determining the possible biogenesis pathway of tinyRNAs, that are shorter than regular miRNAs and siRNAs, and their defined lengths. Outside of lab, I enjoy making 3D puzzles and miniature houses.
Research Supports & Scholarships
▪ Pelotonia Graduate Student Fellowship Program (2021 - 2023)
▪ Center for RNA Biology Graduate Student Fellowship Program (2020 - 2021)
▪ Graduate Scholarship for Academic Excellence (2015 - 2016)
▪ Encourage Award of Research for Undergraduate Students (2014)
▪ Second Place Poster Prize, Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs (IGP) Symposium (2021)
▪ Excellent Graduate Oral Presentation, Rustbelt RNA Meeting (2020)
Zhang, H.†, Sim, G.Y.†, Kehling, A.C.†, Adhav, V.A., Savidge, A., Pastore, B., Tang, W., & Nakanishi, K. Target cleavage and gene silencing by cityRNAs. Cell Reports (Accepted).
Sim, G.Y., Kehling, A.C., Park, M.S., Divoky, C., Zhang, H., Malhotra, N., Secor, J., & Nakanishi, K. Determining the defining lengths between mature microRNAs/small interfering RNAs and tinyRNAs. Sci Rep 13, 19761 (2023).
Sim, G.Y.†, Kehling, A.C.†, Park, M.S.†, Secor, J., Divoky, C., Zhang, H., Malhotra, N., Bhagdikar, D., Abd El-Wahab, E.W., & Nakanishi, K. Manganese-dependent microRNA trimming by 3'→5' exonucleases generates 14-nucleotide or shorter tiny RNAs. PNAS 119 (51), e2214335119 (2022).
Park, M.S., Sim, G.Y., Kehling, A.C. & Nakanishi, K. Human Argonaute2 and Argonaute3 are catalytically activated by different lengths of guide RNA. PNAS 117 (46), 28576-28578 (2020).
Kim, H., Kim, S.Y., Sim, G.Y., & Ahn, J.H. Synthesis of 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid Derivatives in Escherichia coli. J Agri Food Chem 68 (36), 9743-9749 (2020).
Song, M.K., Sim, G.Y., Lee, S.J., Kim, B.G., Kim, M., Lee, T., Chong, Y. & Ahn, J.H. Biological Synthesis of Chiral p-Coumaroyl Glycerol. Bull Korean Chem Soc 40 (7), 743-746 (2019).
Song, M.K., Cho, A.R., Sim, G.Y. & Ahn, J.H. Synthesis of Diverse Hydroxycinnamoyl Phenylethanoid Esters Using Escherichia coli. J Agri Food Chem 67 (7), 2028-2035 (2019).
Lee, S.J.†, Sim, G.Y.†, Kang, H., Yeo, W.S., Kim, B.G., Ahn, J.H. Synthesis of avenanthramides using engineered Escherichia coli. Microb Cell Fact 17 (1), 46 (2018).
Lee, S.J., Sim, G.Y., Lee, Y., Kim, B.G., Ahn, J.H. Engineering of Escherichia coli for the synthesis of N-hydroxycinnamoyl tryptamine and serotonin. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 44 (11), 1551-1560 (2017).
Sim, G.Y., Yang, S.M., Kim, B.G., Ahn, J.H. Bacterial synthesis of N-hydroxycinnamoyl phenethylamines and tyramines. Microb Cell Fact 14, 162 (2015).
Yang, S.M., Sim, G.Y., Kim, B.G., Ahn, JH. Biological synthesis of coumarins in Escherichia coli. Microb Cell Fact 14, 65 (2015).
† These authors contributed equally to this work.