Mei Wang

Postdoctoral Fellow

Favorite Piece of Lab Equipment: 



Ph.D., Zoology, Univeristy of Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai, China (2022)

B.S., Biological Sciences, Shandong University, Shandong Province, China (2015) 


My interest is exploring the role and mechanism of RNA splicing in tumor development, and find new ways to treat cancer based on RNA splicing or at the RNA level. My Ph.D. project focused on studying the U1 snRNA multicopy phenomenon in Drosophila. I also have two years of work experience focused on targeted therapy development for ovarian cancer.  In the future, I would like to focus on the application of ASOs in cancer treatment.


Mei Wang#, An-Min Liang#, Zhen-Zhen Zhou, Ting-Lin Pang, Yu-Jie Fan, YongZhen Xu. Deletions of singular U1 snRNA gene significantly interfere with transcription and 3’-end mRNA formation. PLOS Genetics. 2023. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011021.

#Authors contributed equally to this work.